Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Pirate Relocation Program

The Pirate Relocation Program consists, at this time, of stamps from the postal letterboxing ring, The Scurvy Pirates of Atlas Quest. These stamps were hand carved by letterboxers from around the country and can now be shared with everyone in this area. Pyratemates has two boxes in this group, Sparrow and Calico Jack.

Clues will be posted when boxes are planted.

For landlubbers not familiar with some nautical terms; port = left; starboard = right. If you don't understand we will throw you out the little round window on the side of the boat ;-)

Castles 16 from Georgia has a gorgeous stamp called Piratess Betty.

Dale End Farm from Massachusetts sent us Those Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (Veggie Tales).

3 Piece Pa Dale End Farm in Massachusetts

The organizer of the postal ring, Pirate Princess of Washington state sent us her Black Pearl stamp.

If you have a pirate themed stamp and would like it replanted in Florida along the Atlantic coast just contact us for information.